Welcome to the blog for Free Your Mind mental health anti-stigma campaign

This is the blog for the Free Your Mind campaign which aims to battle stigma towards mental illness through the use of music, art, film, and culture.
The blog consists of informative and, hopefully, entertaining articles/posts.
Enjoy! :-)

Thursday 30 December 2010

Happy New Year from FYM

Well, here at Free Your Mind we hope you all had a good holiday!

The Free Your Mind campaign has lots of plans for the year ahead. We will be heavily concentrating on continuing to establish ourselves in the community of Croydon, as well as continuing to bring you updates on this blog.

Recently, we had a small article about Free Your Mind published in the festive edition of the Hear Us Croydon mental health user group's newsletter. Thank you to Hear Us for that.

Until 2011,
Happy New Year! 
Nicola Edwards of FYM

Friday 10 December 2010

Will Compulsory Treatment Orders Encourage Stigma Towards Mental Illness?

The government is discussing the use of treatment orders to force community care patients to take their medication. A CTO will mean patients released from hospitals in England and Wales could be forced back if they do not take their medication.

The central reason for the changes in the Mental Health Act is for these changes to be an extension of the powers which already allow people whose mental illness makes them a threat to themselves or others to be detained and, if necessary, forcibly treated. In this way CTOs may contribute to the stigma towards mental health problems by reinforcing the belief that a person with a mental illness is a threat.

For someone to be put on a compulsory treatment order (CTO), an application has to be submitted to a Tribunal by a mental health officer. The Tribunal itself is made up of a panel of three people:

  1. A lawyer;
  2. A psychiatrist;
  3. A person with other skills and experience, e.g. a nurse, social worker, or someone with personal experience of a mental disorder.
Critics of the compulsory treatment orders are dubious of the scheme's ethics, and are concerned because it has not been shown to work in other countries. Mental health charities say the powers are excessive, will not improve people's health and could be misused.

Simon Lawton Smith, of the Mental Health Foundation said: 

'This may help a small number of individuals... but taking away anyone's right to treatment is questionable.'

'No-one with a physical health problem is compelled to take their medication, even if not taking it might be life threatening.'

Treatment orders have also faced criticism under the claim that a large contributing factor to them being put in place is to save money on hospital beds. However, Professor Louis Appleby, the national clinical director for mental health, and the man driving the introduction of the new powers, said it was "completely untrue" to suggest they were motivated by potential financial savings.

Compulsory treatment orders have already been in effect in Scotland since October 2005.

Do you think these changes to the Mental Health Act have been thought through? Do you think they will help people and improve quality of life? Or, will it only contribute towards the stigma and discrimination?